When you are working in and around railroad tracks understand that it is a hazardous job and you must be alert and focused on everything going on around you at all times. Most likely you will not survive being hit by a train so always be alert. Repairing tracks and railyards is hard work that’s no secret and it can be so exhausting and if you happen to lose focus mistakes and accidents can happen.
Hazards are
there on every worksite which is why it is important to be aware of the hazards
and the right way to handle them shall you come across them. You will need the
proper training that will educate you on how to be safe around hazards. If you
come across a hazard tell your supervisor straight away and ensure you let
others around you also, so they are aware until something is done about it.
Accidents tend to happen due to unsafe acts that very well could have been
prevented by common sense and having education in hazards and work safely. If
you see workers doing the wrong thing report it to your supervisor so they can
be educated on how to do the job properly to ensure the safety of themselves
and everyone around them.
Guidelines for working around railroads safely:
- Stay alert
- Beware of movement from equipment at all times
- Before approaching a track to be sure to look both ways before crossing
- When on-track equipment is approaching ensure you are at least 30 feet from the track until they have safely passed
- Watch out for protruding objects
- Never sit, walk, stand or lay on the tracks including ones that are laying to the side, not in use like guard rails, wheel stops and switch points as they can still be live.
- Do not walk between two bits of track equipment unless there are at least 50 feet of distance between them
It is the responsibility of each employee to be aware of the hazards around them and what can occur when you are working around a track. Use common sense and good judgement when you are dealing with railroads and low loaders. Don’t do anything that your supervisor has not approved or is not aware of.
Staff should
have certificates in rail work as well as health and safety on the worksite.
They should have experience when working on railroads and modern knowledge of
the worksite and how things are done. CERT has trainers and offices that are
nationwide to ensure there are responsive, compliant and cost-effective
training and education available.
Cert trainers have a minimum of ten years with the rail works and they have
modern knowledge of new equipment coming out like underground large
cranes and digging equipment. They continue to upgrade their
education to ensure they know everything about the rai operations, rail
infrastructure and safe working around rails both training and assessment.
Do not go on-site where railroads are being removed, installed or repaired unless you hold the right certificates to do so. You will also need to have the right protective equipment in order to go on-site even if you are just checking over something or speaking to the supervisor. All workers friends and family are not to enter the worksite under any circumstances this goes for the general public also.